
dummy on the lines.

i try to adjust myself back to wht i suppose and should do. the thing is,i stumbled down a month ago.yet, i try to synchronize back my mood with things tht seems to revolve my way bck to where it should be. im cool as for now.As for now, im on a 5 week training with utm naval rotu. well, i gain lots of exps, regain something ive lost, and achieve something new to be proud of.

In case words are used to puzzle things out, we can also use words to motivate others, and make other lost themselve with words. i learn to use words this way during this 2 weeks training(3 weeks to go) wisely, as to make myself a dependable leader one day.

i learned how to express my weaknesses at the humblest and sincerest way, and by learning so- i realize wht makes me not me and wht are things tht i lack and need to add ups to myself, to fit myself thts why.

well, things are cool, but not to smooth. but im good with how things are now.

i suppose i do understand wht mature does mean.
im able to understand wht love actually mean, its not about girls, it about how we understand other feelings and grab it back to our emotion. i realize i dont need special girlfreind now. dont have to seek for it now.

friends, family, teachers, instructors, pals, well these guys are the most important groups of fella to me now.
hopefully it remains. i thanks Allah, and i thank to those tht help me recognize myself and wht i suppose to be and not wht i should be. Allahuwahdahu la syarikalahu, muhhamadan a'bduhu warasuluhu. tawajjahu haisu syi'ta, faiina ka manthuraa~.
